COVID-19 Precautions
As the state and federal management of the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to evolve, we wanted to reassure you that Kama‘aina Kids places the health and safety of your children and our staff as our FIRST priority all day every day. This communication is to make you aware of everything our dedicated staff are doing for your child while they are in our care. In this ever-changing world, we are continually updating our processes and protocols in accordance with the most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance!
At your preschool, you may notice:
- A “STOP HERE” station where we practice our “Daily Health Check for Staff and families” required before staff or children enter the school.
- We are following a more stringent health policy. Children or staff are not permitted to attend school if they have symptoms of illness.
- Drop-offs/pick-ups taking place in the lobby areas or outside, with children escorted to their classroom.
- Non-essential visitors are not allowed into the center.
- Hygiene (covering our coughs and sneezes) and hourly (or more often as needed) hand-washing (with soap and running water) strictly emphasized all day every day throughout the school for children and staff.
- Reduced class sizes, as determined by State of Hawaii childcare licensing, in consistent groupings with as much consistent staffing as possible.
- The preschool versions of “Social Distancing” are being discussed, with teaching and learning about staying safe from germs being practiced as much as possible throughout the day and especially during meal and nap times.
- Hourly (or more often if necessary) zealous cleaning and disinfecting (using a specially mixed bleach and water solution) of high touch surfaces and toys happens all day every day.
- Outdoor areas are sanitized daily (or more often if necessary) and class time is limited to one group at a time.
Please see letter sent to families regarding usage of masks.
We are one family and we are all weathering this situation together. Thank you for everything that you’re doing to keep our community safe and healthy. We remain committed to providing safe and healthy childcare for you.
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