Early Head Start Grant
Early Head Start Grant Background
On Wednesday December 10, at the White House Summit on Early Education, it was announced that Parents And Children Together would be awarded an Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership grant, which will fund a collaboration between Parents And Children Together and Kama‘aina Kids to expand high quality early learning opportunities for Leeward Oahu’s most vulnerable infants and toddlers.
The program is for children between the ages of 6 weeks to 3 years of age. The cost of tuition is covered between the Department of Human Services and the Partnership Grant. The program is full-day and full-year closing only for state recognized holidays and one week in the summer for staff training and orientation. Eligible families pay no tuition!
Which preschool locations can I enroll my child for this program?
Ewa Preschool 808-681-1503 Kalaeloa/Barbers Point Preschool 808-682-8150 Mā‘ili Preschool 808-282-0434 -
How can I apply?
Mail to 94-216 Farrington Hwy B-2 Suite 304, Waipahū HI 96797 or fax to (808) 678-6937.
Any question on completing the form please call (808) 676-2790. -
How much do I pay for tuiton?
Tuition is free if application and subsidy approved. The tuition for your child is covered by the grant along with incidentals such as baby food and diapers.
What are the hours for care?
Program is for Full Time, Full Year enrollment 7am to 5pm with morning care provided for a fee. Certain days are designated as Holidays as seen in our Holiday schedule.
How much infants and toddlers can be accepted into this program?
Grant is for a maximum of 72 infants and toddlers for entire program.
Sounds great! How do I know if I qualify for this program?
There are eligibility requirements. These are
- Age – children ages 6 weeks to under 36 months, need to show proof of birth (i.e. birth certificate)
- Must apply for DHS assistance
- Income – need to meet at least one of the following criteria and show documentation:
- At or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level for Hawaii (see attached email), need to show proof of income 12 months prior to application date
- Receiving public assistance. i.e. TANF
- Receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Homeless
- Foster Care
- Preference is given to foster families and children with parents who are working and/or going to school full-time; need to show documentation.
Contact one of the Participating Locations found on the preschool locations page or email us for more information.
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